CONSIGN WITH US - our process
Once you sign a contract to become a consignor at The Children's Exchange, you are on your way to making money & recycling your kid's outgrown clothing. You drop off your items and we do the rest! Once your items sell, you receive 40-50% of the sale price (depending on whether it is clothing or a large item). Once you have money in your account, you can take a check (any time it is over $10) or re-spend the money in the store! It's that simple.

Become a Consignor
Once you sign a contract to become a consignor at The Children's Exchange, you are on your way to making money & recycling your kid's outgrown clothing. You drop off your items and we do the rest! Once your items sell, you receive 40-50% of the sale price (depending on whether it is clothing or a large item). Once you have money in your account, you can take a check (any time it is over $10) or re-spend the money in the store! It's that simple.

Select Your Items
All Items must be dry cleaned or washed/ironed and in excellent/like new condition. Clothing must be current (2-3 years old) although “classics” are always acceptable. We accept all clothing & accessory items on a seasonal basis due to the size of our store. Please check out our store calendar for more details. Items we consign include CLOTHING, BABY GEAR, TOYS, and MEDIA - click on the links for more information. There are also certain items we do not accept, click here for more information about these items.

Dropoff at our Store
When you arrive at The Children's Exchange your paper shopping bag will be labeled with your name, consignor # and the date. Once the salesperson checks your account the drop off process is complete! If you are a new consignor then we will open up an account for you and review the contract together. We then sort through your bag looking for any stains, holes, brands that we do not accept, or any other issues. We do not sort the bag in your presence, as there might be 20 other bags ahead of yours. Once the bag is sorted the items are entered into the system & labeled with your consignor # so that the tracking process is very simple.

Items are Consigned
Items remain in the store between 2-3 months, depending on the date of drop-off. If the items have not sold, they will be part of our monthly 50% off sale in September which lasts 2 weeks. At the end of the sale whatever items remain that are expired automatically get donated to 1 of 5 local charities. Consignors are allowed to pick up their items if they wish, but we do not notify you when your items expire, it is up to you to keep tabs on your account. Every time you drop off items the cycle begins again.

Make Some Cash
Once your items sell you can re-spend your balance in the store towards a purchase at any time, you can pick up a check if your account balance is at least $10.00, or you can allow the balance to accumulate. In order for a balance to remain active the consignor must ‘use' the account at least once every 3-6 months. This means you must drop off consignment, make a purchase, or collect your earnings at least once every 3-6 months for your account to remain active. If you would like a check mailed to your home we deduct a $1.00 processing fee.

Click to find out answers to some of our most common questions about what happens to items we don’t accept, how items are priced, our monthly sale and more. Read Frequently Asked Questions.